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More Info

Below you will find several useful publications produced by The Counseling Team International.


There are many take always here not only for each of us but for our families and for our kids.


Please be careful with "advice lines" and other resources you may find by searching the Internet. Such resources and advice may be provided by untrained individuals or may contain false information.


The Counseling Team is credentialed and well-trained in all matters impacting law enforcement personnel and their families. Their brochures are a great starting point to finding solutions that work. If you would like more information on a certain topic or a topic which might not be listed please contact the Counseling Team.

National Resources

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is a large network of local crisis centers that provides free and confidential emotional support to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress 24/7, across the United States.



To find out more about their services click the box below and you will be taken directly to their website. You can also call them directly at (800) 273-8255.

"We're committed to improving crisis services and advancing suicide prevention by empowering individuals, advancing professional best practices, and building awareness."

Safe Call Now is another national resource that offers a 24/7 crisis referral service. One benefit to our profession specifically is Safe Call Now provides services to all public safety employees. This also includes all emergency services personnel, and their family members nationwide.  To reach them you can call directly at (206) 459-3020. You can also research their website by clicking the box below.

 Wellness Related Books

Within this section you will find an assortment of book listings. The majority of the listings are used by other agencies to include San Diego PD and La Mesa PD. The nice thing about most of these books is they provide us officers with a level of understanding that other officers experience, feel, and act much the same way.


Some books are another open door on this website for our families to travel through in order to gain insight into the realities of the job we do and the effects it has on us.

Lastly, some of these books are simply little gems of knowledge.  You can pull from the information learned and apply it to your own life. You can provide inspiration or direction to others. Look for monthly book reviews on some of these titles in the Blog section.

  • Emotional Survival For Law Enforcement    

        - Dr. Gilmartin discusses many great points in this book. This is a short but powerful read. One of the pinnacle points to understand is what he coins, "Hypervigilance".

  • The Price They Pay

            - This is a quick read by Karen Solomon and Jeffery McGill. Together they present stories from officers who experienced traumatic incidents and the toll it took on them and their families.

  • Hearts Beneath the Badge

             -   Within this book are many short stories accumulated from officers across the country. The title of the book says it all. The author Karen Solomon sets out to show that police officers are human.  


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